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Getting The Strong United Nations We Need: Mark Leon Goldberg

We are facing several enormous risks to human civilization. These are global threats like climate change, destruction of nature, pandemics, nuclear weapons, wealth inequality and more – which no one country alone can solve. We need global systems to tackle these, but the United Nations is underfunded and lacks the necessary political support by the world’s nations.

Today we assess the United Nations system – what it does well, what needs improvement, and how we might accomplish that. Our guest is Mark Leon Goldberg – writer, podcaster, international relations expert. Mark has done extensive work covering the United Nations and international affairs for many years.

I highly recommend checking out Mark’s outstanding work:

UN Dispatch blog -

Global Dispatches Podcast -

Development and Aid World News Service (DAWNS) Digest -

Mark Leon Goldberg website, including links to his publications, Twitter feed and more -


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